Sunday, 5 February 2012

The start of the journey...

So I've started a blog. And I've started writing stories for children. The two are linked; one day I am going to have published work out there for children (even if it takes me 10 years) and I thought it would be interesting to document the journey. Perhaps I will be the only reader of my blog (no- I'll force my husband to at least pretend to read it too), but to keep for posterity the experience of becoming a proper writer might be useful to someone else, at some point.

So far I have written a picture book text for 3+ (currently at Smartquill editorial services with Philippa Donovan for some advice), and I am well into the process of planning and writing a YA novel - something I never thought I'd do.

This blog will be a diary of my reading and writing experiences along the way. Rejections, successes (hopefully), periods of writer's block and periods of mad obsessed writing will all no doubt feature here.

If you're interested in writing, reading or children's literature, please follow my blog and comment whenever you can.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll follow you too! :)

    (Don't know why my first comment got deleted, sorry about that!)

  3. Yay, I look forward to following your posts and cheering you on :D
